
My story

Tattooing as a Passion and Profession

Roland Csomos

I first held a tattoo machine at the age of 18, and from the very first moment, I knew it was going to be a long-term relationship. Over the years, I have traveled through numerous countries (Germany, Switzerland, Austria, France, Hungary, etc.), visited many studios, and attended expos in the hope of professional development. During this time, I made many friends and won awards, for which I am grateful. The question arises, after so many years in the profession and so much work, have I become tired of it? My answer is a resounding no. The process of creation, the trust of a person, and the connection it brings are uplifting and inexhaustible. Be open and let’s create something great together. If you want to immortalize a period in your life, if you wish to capture a deep emotion, or if you want to express yourself on your skin, this is the place for you. I welcome everyone with love for a once-in-a-lifetime experience.